A small project to fetch league of legends stats, and track them on a graph. Made to answer the question of "Does my performance decrease along with my sobriety?"
And the answer is yes, also kind of no, but mostly yes.
I was looking for a project to work on just as some practical application of a course I took that focused mostly on OTP/Genserver.
One night I was gaming with some friends, and they said that if I charted my performance over the night, you'd see a sharp decline as I became less sober. I thought that sounded like a fun project.
The core of this project is a genserver that has a set of queues. First it fetches any users it hasn't run a sync for a in a while, and adds them to a user queue. Then it starts taking users off the queue, fetching a list of their most recent matches, skips any we already have data for, then gets the new data from the Riot games API.
From there it crunches a few stats. In this example I was using tower damage, and damage per gold earned as some simple metrics to try to put a number to how much you contributed to the game.
On the frontend it takes in your last x number of games, and plots the 2 stats on a chart made using chart.js.
In the end it revealed something more like the famous Balmers Peak. I'd have kind of average performance, suddenly do really well for one game, then any following games were an absolute nosedive in performance.